
Tree Trimming

Chester Rogers realizes proper pruning and trimming of trees can improve their health, safety and appearance. It also eliminates any hazardous situation and maximizes your property’s potential. The most common reason for trimming is to remove dead, dying, diseased, and hazardous tree branches. Our licensed professional arborists are trained in the proper tree pruning and removal techniques.




Tree Removal

We will conduct a thorough inspection to determine if tree removal is necessary. Our licensed and insured crew will use caution to remove any dead, diseased, damaged or over-crowed trees or shrubs. We also remove branches that may be causing an obstruction or creating a safety issue. We are trained to use the best equipment for tree removals.

Emergency tree removals is one of our specialties. Picking up a fallen tree in an empty field is very easy. Picking up a fallen tree off of a structure or in a developed area without doing and or increasing the damage is the challenge. This is where having the proper equipment, engineering skills and decades of experience comes in.  

Tree Planting


It turns out money does grow on trees. Sorta. Studies show that trees can increase a home’s total value by as much as 15 percent. Plus, they can save you money on utilities: an adult tree on the south side of a home can reduce your AC needs by 30 percent and reduce the energy required for heating by 20-50 percent (trees both shade and insulate).

Note: The specific value of adding a tree to your property can vary significantly depending on your location and the layout of your home and yard. 

  1. Choose a tree type. In general, it’s best to pick a type (or types) of tree that’s resilient and will be relatively low maintenance. You also want something that will thrive in your area. For example, urban environments tend to have higher soil and air temperatures, so if you live in a city, you’ll want a tree that likes those conditions. Since this decision depends so much on personal preference and the specific layout of your yard. This is where our Arborists can really help you select the best trees for your property. 

  2. Decide where you want to plant. Since you’ll be planting your tree or trees when they’re small, this step involves a lot of foresight. Here are a few basic questions to ask yourself: Will your tree bump into anything when it grows to full height? Where will the shade of the canopy fall? Which spot offers the appropriate amount of sunlight? It’s also important to identify any underground utilities (such as your water line, gas line or sewer line) that need to be avoided. Since your tree will last for decades and isn’t easy to move once it’s planted this is a situation where a we can really help you plan.

  3. Plant your tree. Now that you’ve chosen your tree type and location, you’re ready to plant! Just like flowers or vegetables, trees have specific planting needs that will ensure they stay healthy as they grow.  If you need to plan a lot of trees on your property, we can help you plan out how many and the spacing. Properly digging out the hole so that the tree will not shift and has adequate drainage and root space can be difficult without the proper training. Staking and can

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